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Tallulah West, the loveable heroine of Messina's second novel, is in a rut. The daughter of famed designer Joseph West, she works for the unimaginative Marcos Medici. Her father offered her a job, but she can't bring herself to work for him, or to forgive him for moving on so quickly after her mother's death. Even with the encouragement of her friend, Nick, the sexy, sweet son of a diplomat, she can't bring herself to ask her father for a loan to start the design company she's always dreamed of. When Marcos unexpectedly fires her, Tallulah's friend, Hannah, a wanna-be actress, encourages her to organize her life. She does, and discovers a deed to property her mother owned in North Carolina. Excited by the prospect, she convinces Nick to go with her to see the property. There, Tallulah finds something she hasn't felt in a long time: hope.

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